Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sleep is elusive

Why can't I sleep? If I could stay up till 3 am and wake up at the crack of dawn, like my husband does, refreshed and ready to go I would stay up all hours of the night. But I don't. I've hit the snooze button until the poor clock radio has given up and let me get up on my own accord. That was back in the good old days, back in my college roomy days. I don't get that luxury anymore. That's why I need to sleeep!

OK 1:05 am here. If I get to bed now and the kids poke me in my eye at 8:30.. that's like 7 1/2 hours. That's not bad. It will be like the fourth or fifth time I got less than 8 hours this week. But I gladly give up some sleep to stay up and listen to Regina Spektor "Samson" song and Bon Jovis new song "Let's make a memory".

OK, I need to invest in a good alarm for the 8 am History class I registered for this Fall. I found two that I am debating ordering.

One rolls off the table and doesn't stop rolling around till you get out of bed an chase it down to turn it off.

The other is a sensory assault alarm clock "a strobe light, a vibration pad and high decibel sound".

Hum which one to get?

Okay 1:19am. Must sleep. Busy day tomorrow.